Problematic cellular phone use: a factor analysis Year & Volume - Issue: 2021. volume 10 - Issue 3Authors: Saeideh Moslemizadeh, Habibeh AhmadipourHeading: Hygiene and Environmental HealthArticle type: Original articleKeywords: reliability, cell phone, validity, problem behaviorCID: e0317DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2021.0317PDF File: romj-2021-0317.pdf
Psychometric properties of the Persian version of Whiteley Index Year & Volume - Issue: 2017. volume 6 - Issue 3Authors: Mahin Eslami, Habibeh Ahmadipour, Faezeh BagheriHeading: Clinical PsychologyArticle type: Original articleKeywords: health anxiety, hypochondriasis, reliability, validityCID: e0307DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2017.0307PDF File: romj-2017-0307.pdf